TECNA Urges Paycheck Protection for Technology Associations

TECNA Urges Paycheck Protection for Technology Associations
For Immediate Release
Monday, April 6, 2020, Santa Ana, Calif. – Technology Councils of North America (TECNA), representing tech associations in 35 states which serve over 20,000 technology firms and hundreds of thousands of employees, today sent a letter to Congress and the Trump Administration urging that trade and membership associations can apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) under the CARES Act.
“Technology councils are the force behind supporting growth companies, entrepreneurs, start-ups, access to capital and establishing hubs for innovation. We are not seeking special access – we simply want trade and membership associations to have ability to apply for the PPP during this challenging time,” said Ryan Weber, TECNA US Public Policy Chair and CEO of the KC Tech Council.
Technology councils are critical drivers of job creation and economic growth in states and regions throughout the U.S.
“TECNA members offer a wide range of workforce development programs that foster the tech talent pipeline and provide key training to tech industry employees,” said Tim Jemal, Executive Director of TECNA, “Now, more than ever, the tech industry is relying on TECNA member associations for their survival and allowing them to apply for the Paycheck Protection Program is the right policy.”
With nearly 12 million workers, tech employment accounts for nearly 8 percent of the nation’s work force. Tech membership organizations have already incurred financial losses due to cancelled programs and events, and associations now anticipate further losses in revenues, as the tech industry addresses their own economically precarious circumstances.
To read the full letter, click here.
About the Technology Councils of North America
The Technology Councils of North America (TECNA) represents approximately 60 IT and Technology trade organizations that, in turn, represent more than 22,000 technology-related companies in North America. TECNA serves its members and the industry through its strong peer-to-peer network and its regional initiatives to raise the visibility and viability of the technology industry. This is accomplished by empowering regional technology organizations and serving as their collective voice in growing the North American technology economy. More information on TECNA can be found at: www.tecna.org or @techcouncils on Twitter.
Contact: Tim Jemal
Executive Director, TECNA